Importing lists containing non-English names into Marketo may replace accented characters with invalid ones, often squares or non-alphabetical signs.


The "character set" parameter identifies a character encoding, which is a method of converting a sequence of bytes into a sequence of characters. This conversion fits naturally with the scheme of Web activity: servers send HTML documents to user agents as a stream of bytes; user agents interpret them as a sequence of characters. The conversion method can range from simple one-to-one correspondence to complex switching schemes or algorithms.


It is a good practice to set the browser to an appropriate character set before running the import. The most widely used are:


Unicode (UTF-8)
A universal character set that defines the characters included in a majority of the languages of the world. It can work with pages and forms that include a mixture of languages within the same page.


Note: Old browsers may have an issue with you using the UTF-8 character set. It may be wise to consider ISO-8859 for old releases.

Also know as Latin1, includes the latin based languages of the world. It includes most western european languages.


ISO 8859-1 Western Europe
ISO 8859-2 Western and Central Europe
ISO 8859-3 Western Europe and South European (Turkish, Maltese plus Esperanto)
ISO 8859-4 Western Europe and Baltic countries (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Lapp)
ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic alphabet
ISO 8859-6 Arabic
ISO 8859-7 Greek
ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
ISO 8859-9 Western Europe with amended Turkish character set
ISO 8859-10 Western Europe with rationalised character set for Nordic languages, including complete Icelandic set
ISO 8859-11 Thai
ISO 8859-13 Baltic languages plus Polish
ISO 8859-14 Celtic languages (Irish Gaelic, Scottish, Welsh)
ISO 8859-15 Added the Euro sign and other rationalisations to ISO 8859-1
ISO 8859-16 Central, Eastern and Southern European languages (Albanian, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian and Slovenian, but also French, German, Italian and Irish Gaelic)


Microsoft Internet Explorer



Mozilla Firefox

rtaImage (1).png


Apple Safari

rtaImage (2).png


Google Chrome

rtaImage (3).png


rtaImage (4).png



rtaImage (5).png


Mozilla Camino (Mac OS X)

rtaImage (6).png

Labels (1)